Medical Illustration
“A Clinical Reference Guide on Sexual Devices for Obstetrician-Gynecologists”
Watercolor illustration of one of the devices.
In the spring of 2019, I worked with doctors at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania to create illustrations for their paper “A Clinical Reference Guide on Sexual Devices for Obstetrician–Gynecologists” published in Obstetrics and Gynecology, commonly referred to as the Green Journal.
The purpose of the paper was to educate OBGYN’s on the types and purposes of sex toys and devices, to better inform their patients. The paper selected as the journal club’s article of the month, which recommended that doctors “Cut out the figures accompanying the article. Quiz each other on the device name, purpose, and intended use.”
As you might imagine, it was a pretty fun project to work on and it felt great to contribute to something that improved people’s wellbeing!
Contact me if you have any need for illustration work, medical or otherwise!

Line drawings for the journal. Credited as Jonathan R. Matusky.